Bethlehem Conservatory
Student's Name First, Last Faith Arella
| Sex F
| Grade Level AWOL
| School Year 2004
BCID SC1-6316
| Date of Entry in Bethlehem Conservatory September 10, 1996
| Student's Native Language English
Foster Child Status Upon Entry State Conservatorship MS, "Foster Care"
| Estimated Birthday September 7 (assigned elsewhere)
| Health Issues (None)
Rune Drawing Level(s) 92%/89%/97%/94%/92%/98%
| Date(s) Administered 1996-2003
| Test Administered GFR Rune Depiction
Rune Comprehension Level(s) 68%/65%(3)/19%/5%
| Date(s) Administered 1996-2003
| Test Administered BC Rune Cognition
Rune Proficiency Goals Drawing, Dreaming, Visualizing, Comprehending 1. Open drawing pad during class 2. Bring dream notebook to class 3. Report dreams and discuss runic images 4. Verbalize comprehension of runes
| Standards/Alternate Performance Indicators Addressed Above standard/will not comply Above standard/will not comply Above standard/will not comply Above standard/will not comply
Language Arts A, B-, B, C, C, INC Science A+, A-, C, D, D-, INC
| Reading A+, A-, B, B-, F, INC Social Studies A+, A, C, F, D-, INC
| Mathematics A-, A, B, C, D, INC Physical Education A, A, A-, B, C, INC
Date(s) Administered 1996-2003
Academic Goals Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing 1. Pay attention in class 2. Join group discussions 3. Read class assignments 4. Pay attention to teacher's notes
| Standards/Alternate Performance Indicators Addressed Standardized GFR Testing TLR-Grade 10 Standard Gr. Lvl Reading, CT Standard Gr. Lvl Writing, CT
Scout/Surveillance Comments
- 09/07/04: escaped BC with classmate Jeremy Hill during reassignment
- 12/06/04-05/19/06: Homeless and moving frequently – no fixed address
- 05/29/06: Found employment as tattoo artist at Vix Tattoos, Seattle