From Oculus
The Miracle Mile
August 20, 2006 7:22pm
Hello all my friends out there. You guys are amazing! I got so many emails finding the Clarence Park B&B for me, people like Yellow818, ThoughtsFromTheAbyss, otter9193, AxysDenyed, dwhuber, gabztrevino, rebaleeve, megiddo, silentrysentry, barbazul, ariel & wander - You guys rock!
Faith: So I'm here in the suburbs of Adelaide, and I think I've definitely found this Miracle Mile that those two B&B owners were telling me about. So, all that's left to do it ride the bus. I hope I have the right change.
--cut to bus approaching-- Faith: This is my bus here, the 'miracle bus'? We'll see. Alright... [bus comes to a stop] Well, let's see what this miracl bus is all about here. "Welcome aboard"! Thank you! --doors open and Faith boards-- Faith: [to the driver] Hello. [she walks down the center of the bus and takes a seat] Bizarre... --cut to interview with a guy with crutches-- Faith: Do you mind if I ask you a couple questions about this bus? Guy: Yeah, sure. F: Cool. Am I on the Miracle Mile bus? G: Yeah, that's what I've heard. This is it. F: Wow. Why are you on it? G: Well, I play rugby and I ruptured my achilles a couple of weeks ago, and I just got some scans back from the doctor and they weren't too good. He said I'd probably be out for about 6 months. And we've got a big final in two weeks so I'm just... I'm just hoping that I'll be alright for that. F: Yeah, I broke my leg when I was eleven, and I was on crutches for like 6 weeks. The worst part is the stairs (yeah, it's no fun, it's no fun at all) and the achilles - that's like, that's worse. G: It's pretty bad. F: So you're hoping that by riding this bus you'll heal? G: Well I've heard some stories, and I've got nothing to lose, so... F: Wow, no way. Thank you! G: No worries. --cut to a short clip where Faith pans outside following a man standing on a driveway, a man with a white hat, as the bus passes by-- --cut to another man on the bus Faith is interviewing-- Faith: Man: I did notice that, yes. F: I'm just wondering if you would mind talking to me for a few seconds. M: Yeah, what's it for? F: Well I'm documenting my travels, and I heard about this miracle bus, (okay) so I thought I'd make a little video about it. (alright) Not to get personal, but are you riding it for any particular reason? M: I am. I am. About 3 months ago I was diagnosed with colon cancer. (oh, I'm really sorry) It's a bit hard to talk about. But um, I've heard about this bus, or my wife had heard about it, and so she said well it's a good idea to try it - you know, it can't hurt. So I've been on the line every day for 3 weeks hoping, hoping something's going to happen, but... F: Well, have you had any success yet? M: Nothing yet, but um, it could happen any day. F: Okay, yeah. [..too muffled...] Do you believe in miracles? M: You have to believe in something. F: I guess you do. M: So, yep. F: Thank you. --cut to scene with the bus driver interview-- Faith: My name's Faith Arella, and I wanted to ask you a couple questions. Driver: Ok F: Cool, well I've been asking everyone about this Miracle Mile. (yeah) Do you know anything about that? I'm sure you must. D: Sure, I was afraid you were going to ask that, yeah. F: Well, what I want to know is, do you believe in the Miracle Mile? D: Um, no not really. I think there are a lot of sad people who have some really unfortunate things happen to them. And they're taking this bus thinking that something can change if they ride it, but I'm.. I don't think anything's going to happen. F: That's strange, because everybody else seem to believe in it. D: Yeah. Well, um, that's their prerogative I guess. Um, this is the end of the line, so... F: Oh, well I actually, I wanted to ask you a couple more things. Do you mind if we just sit and chat for a bit? D: Um, no I'm sorry, that's it. Maybe you can ride the bus tomorrow or something. F: Ok, thank you. D: Sorry have a good day. --camera pans as Faith leaves the bus, giving a glimpse of a monkey hanging at the front of the bus; bus driver=monkey man?-- |