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EWO News Index

August 4, 2006

It's been some time since my last confession...

I have to admit, I've been stunned by the amount of support and interest that's come out of the woodwork since my site's been restored. I'm still not sure what to make of the so-called Oculus, but it many of you have shared your ideas on the message boards, and I'm grateful for the help. Neither my internet service provider nor the federal authorities have been of any use, unless being laughed at is useful.

We've made a number of fascinating discoveries since I last posted here. The most significant revelation is that the girl presented in the Oculus vision seems to be named Faith Arella, supposedly a tattoo artist doing work for Miss Vix in Seattle, sought after by the Bethlehem Conservatory. I'd like to know how exactly how Faith is associated with the Oculus, or the person or people behind it.

Faith updated her weblog with an intriguing video and text message. She said a lawyer handed her a check for $20,000 and an old piece of paper that read "FOLLOW YOUR VISIONS." I wonder what she's going to do with all that cash?

Earlier in July, at the San Diego Comicon, several people emailed me with some pics of temporary tattoos being given out. Looks like Faith's work--I guess she was advertising her services. Maybe she's going to use her new-found money to pay for the marketing expense? Here are the pics, click to enlarge:


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