User talk:Thebruce

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Revision as of 07:18, 17 September 2006; Lostpedian (Talk | contribs)
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Nice influx of newbies on the forums, eh? LOL. How hard is it to just read a few threads before posting THE most obvious observations? --Pandora 16:22, 24 July 2006 (MDT)

yup, I was thinking the same thing... sheesh --thebruce 16:43, 24 July 2006 (MDT)

mp3 upload

I have a short MP3 file of something in the game, can you enable Mediawiki so as to allow that file extension, at least for a short time? -- Lostpedian 22:04, 15 September 2006 (MDT)


If you're going to hack something to find the solution, no one can stop you. But enjoy the answer to yourself or post it on Unfiction. Spoiling it on the OE forums was in poor taste. I really hope you didn't do it for some short-sighted self-glorification. I know I got really stuck on the grid puzzle, and I'm sure you did too. So then I linked directly to to the prize6.swf to view the video before going to bed... I also picked up Ararat, though through the images and the "Ar" symbol of the sixth puzzle. I suspect you did the same, and came up with the wave connection in order to justify posting it - but that is working backwards. I cheated, and after that point I did not spoil it for others. Also, by spoiling it so openly, you make TPTB more cautious and they react by tightening up security. -- Lostpedian 21:08, 16 September 2006 (MDT)

Your arguments are quite thin, since everything I posted was spoilered, except for the answer, which would come out anyway no matter who solved it or when it was solved, or even how. For one, as I have said so many times, the answer came through deduction of the clues not through 'cheating', which it was not. Controversial it may be, that I managed to get a clue as to the answer through the flash script, but looking at the flash script is only as 'cheating' as viewing the HTML source of a page, but obviously in your case, as controversial as brute forcing. Community was respected, people given the choice to see the solution or not. The solution could be retrieved through deduction, though for some much less easily than others.

That said, I don't think you have any right to talk, since you posted controversial and now believed entirely OOG photos in the forums, without reference to how or when you got them, 'assuming' that everyone already knew. You're the only one making a fuss about the Ararat solve, while many people were more bothered by the flickr fiasco. So don't you be casting stones.

We're in this together, and we're working as a community, not in competition against each other. Let's encourage each other and promote individual as well as group thinking. The more we argue, the more it detracts from others experience.

As for your MP3, tell me of what it is, and send me the file and I'll upload it to the site for linking.

--thebruce 21:46, 16 September 2006 (MDT)

There seems to be a widespread consensus among the ARG community that decompiling Flash is probably crossing the line and peeking behind the curtain too much. Many people, like me, think that if you're going to peek, that you should not post about what you find. When I discovered the images, there is no way I thought it was out of bounds. And when EWO deleted the thread and the images were taken down, that is the last time I did anything related to them. Even if I found something by those means, I'd not post about it openly anymore. I think the community can stand a little arguing if it means we can avoid spoiling things like that. Your comment about how it "would come out anyway" is irrelevant, because for all we know it would have come out in a much more interesting way. Please just keep this in mind the next time. -- Lostpedian 01:18, 17 September 2006 (MDT)
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