- we're first presented with objects from a circus fairground - a ferris wheel, a large clown face, a circus tent, and the front signage for Circus Circus
- The final image is of c circus elephant
- we zoom in on a crowd of people, an audience likely at a concert in green light
- followed by another clip from ground level among a number of people facing a light
- zooming further, we see still-motion video of a man who appears to be sick and having difficulties
- at the same time we see a view under a (believed) pier, of the same man crawling face down in the shoreline water
- the man then appears finally face down, as if he has drowned
- the next zoom we're then showed the man, who we now recognize as Charles Kriel, sprawled face up on the sand
- the next image then has two men appear at his side, seemingly looking over him
- the camera rises, almost as if we're sensing an out of body experience
- the man on the left stands and looks around as if searching for anyone nearby who can help
- the camera pans upward, and we see a beach coastline at an unknown location
- the pier is shown to us once again briefly as we continue to zoom forward
- another city skyline, still unknown, passes
- Kriel's 'F' rune prominently presents itself before...