From Oculus
- The initial starting point of the ARG
- http://www.00112358.net
Current Content
As of...
September 27, 2006
Front page
- full browser flash with hovering spheres
- the large sphere is covered with symbols and moves slightly with mouse clicks
- the smaller sphere orbits and is orbited itself by the previous 'V', 'F', 'J', flat, 'W', and 'X' symbols, and a new 'O' symbol
- on clicking the new symbol, the user is directed to puzzle #7
puzzle 7
- the large sphere, instead of spinning and zooming, now releases the same set of 8 symbols as the 1st and 3rd puzzles, which rotate slowly around the orb.
- like a combination lock, after choosing the 3 correct symbols (see the solution), we're shown the next vision, then redirected to a hidden page
September 15, 2006
Front page
- full browser flash with hovering spheres
- the large sphere is covered with symbols and moves slightly with mouse clicks
- the smaller sphere orbits and is orbited itself by the previous 'V', 'F', 'J', flat, and 'W' symbols, and a new 'X' symbol
- on clicking the new symbol, the user is directed to puzzle #6
puzzle 6 - Ararat
- the large sphere zooms towards the user, shifting heavily, vibrating, and glowing as we enter the occulus after a slow clockwise rotation, greeted by a new puzzle.
- the puzzle is the first of a series of 4 - the first being the same puzzle as the 3rd rune
- on selecting the right squares (see the first solution), we are shown 2 more similar puzzles (see the second, and third solutions)
- on solving the three puzzles, we're then presented puzzle #6b below
- note: the 3 solutions are the tunes taken from
- the beginning of Kriel's 'The Messenger' MP3
- part of Mike's guitar riff from the Outback
- lostpedian's deduction (actual source unknown)
puzzle 6b - Ararat
- the oculus spins and retracts, while a glowing yellow earth map expands from its surface and fills the window, solidifying
- while sine waves float from top to bottom, 6 points appear around the map, glowing in time with the waves' connections, and 3 pairs of symbols appear, before returning to the rune button puzzle (same layout as puzzle #5)
- on selecting the right squares (see the direct solution, or the detail to get the solve), we are shown another vision, then directed to Faitharella.com
September 6, 2006
Front page
- full browser flash with hovering spheres
- the large sphere is covered with symbols and moves slightly with mouse clicks
- the smaller sphere orbits and is orbited itself by the previous 'V', 'F', 'J' and flat symbols, and a new 'W' symbol
- on clicking the new symbol, the user is directed to puzzle #5
puzzle 5 - Palitana
- the large sphere zooms towards the user, shifting heavily, vibrating, and glowing as we enter the occulus after a slow clockwise rotation, greeted by a new puzzle.
- on selecting the right squares (see the solution), we are shown another vision
- at the end, we are directed to Oculareffect.com
August 29, 2006
Front page
- full browser flash with hovering spheres
- the large sphere is covered with symbols and moves slightly with mouse clicks
- the smaller sphere orbits and is orbited itself by the previous 'V', 'F' and 'J' symbols, and a new flat symbol
- on clicking the new symbol, the user is directed to puzzle #4
puzzle 4 - Dante
- the large sphere zooms towards the user, symbols shift and we enter the occulus after a clockwise rotation, greeted by a new puzzle.
- on selecting the right squares (see the solution), we are shown another vision
- at the end, we are directed to BC's Dropbox page for Dante Gooderman
August 16, 2006
Front page
- full browser flash with hovering spheres
- the large sphere is covered with symbols and moves slightly with mouse clicks
- the smaller sphere orbits and is orbited itself by the previous 'V' and 'F' symbols, and a new 'J' symbol
- on clicking the J, the user is directed to puzzle #3
puzzle 3 - Clarence
- the large sphere zooms towards the user, symbols shift and we enter the top of the occulus greeted by a new puzzle.
- on choosing the correct order of symbols (see the solution), we are shown another vision
- we see a clips or images of:
- A coach bus
- a man answering his front door
- in passing, the 'Miracle Mile' sign and a guy in a red shirt
- a broken down car and a person waving down help
- someone working on a car, grabbing a wrench, then the person we're seeing through is attacked
- the vision becomes red as we see a number of perspectives of the attack
- the attackers drive off in both cars
- the victim is seen lying on the road, we don't see a face
- the 'J' symbol is presented to close
- at the end, we are directed to Clarenceparkbandb.com
August 8, 2006
Front page
- full browser flash with hovering spheres
- the large sphere is covered with symbols and moves slightly with mouse clicks
- the smaller sphere orbits and is orbited itself by the previous 'V' symbol and a new 'F' symbol
- on clicking the F, the user is directed to puzzle #2
puzzle 2 - Kriel
- the large sphere zooms towards the user, symbols shift and we see inside a board of seemingly random symbol components.
- on clicking the right pieces to form the same 'F' symbol (as now known to be the rune of DVJ Kriel, we are shown another vision
- we see a clips or images of:
- Circus Circus
- what appears to be a concert with a crowd of people
- below a bridge or dock with a man (likely Kriel) lying face down before washing up on shore and being tended to
- a city shoreline and Kriel's 'F' rune and finally Kriel's promo photo
- at the end, we are directed to Kriel's website
July 17, 2006
Front page
- full browser flash with hovering spheres
- the large sphere is covered with symbols and moves slightly with mouse clicks
- the smaller sphere is partnered with what appears to be a scripted V, and moves and rotates slightly with mouse clicks
- on clicking the V, the user is directed to puzzle #1
puzzle 1 - Miss Vix
- the large sphere zooms towards the user, symbols shift and we see inside a set of 3 concentric rings with 7 symbols each.
- on sliding the rings so the symbols match, the puzzle is solved, and once again we are treated to a visual display
- video clips and imagery zoom towards and past the viewer, much in the style of a very artistic commercial, yet mysterious
- we see a clips or images of:
- Faith Arella
- the sign for Bethlehem Conservatory
- a face recognized as Verchiel (a character from the Fallen miniseries)
- at the end, we are directed to Miss Vix's business website Vixtattoos.com
- Visible Symbols on the rings:
- Originally the only content available was a flash based countdown, showing a number of concentric ring-gears
- The countdown was discovered to end on July 17, 2006 at 10:00 EST
Youtube Viral Video
- This video was found on Youtube, showing the coundown stage of the website.
- Beginning
- Countdown to July 17, 2006
- July 17, 2006
- Orbs, the clickable 'v' symbol, the concentric ring puzzle, and vision #1 - directing to Miss Vix
- August 8, 2006
- An 'F' symbol appears, the symbol part puzzle, and vision #2 - directing to DVJ Kriel
- August 16, 2006
- Another symbol appears, the symbol sequence puzzle, and vision #3 - directing to Clarence Park Bed and Breakfast Inn
- August 29, 2006
- Another symbol appears, the 7x6 grid puzzle, and vision #4 - directing to Dante Gooderman's dropbox